Tag: Turbine Startup



The soaking period in a steam turbine is the time it takes for all of the turbine’s internal parts to reach the same temperature before it is started up. This is important because steam turbines are very large and complex machines, and the different parts of the turbine expand atRead More

Causing of fluctuations in working pressure of a boiler

What are the causes of fluctuations in working pressure of a boiler? (AP_BOE_2010_P_1) 1. **Fluctuation in load:** This is a common cause of boiler pressure fluctuations. When the demand for steam increases, the boiler pressure will drop as the boiler tries to generate more steam. Conversely, when the demand forRead More

Steam Trap

What is steam trap? (Central BOE-2021) A steam trap is a valve that automatically discharges condensate from steam systems while preventing the escape of live steam. This is important because condensate can interfere with the efficient operation of steam systems by reducing heat transfer and increasing corrosion. Steam traps areRead More

Barring Gear in Steam Turbines: How It Works and Best Practices

Barring gear is a mechanism used in steam turbines to rotate the rotor during certain operations. Barring gear is a mechanism used in steam turbines to rotate the rotor during certain operations, before turbine startup or after turbine shutdown. The barring gear allows for controlled and gradual rotation of theRead More

Impact of Humidity on Cooling Tower Performance

A cooling tower in a power plant is used to remove heat from condenser cooling water by transferring it to the atmosphere through the process of evaporation.The efficiency of this process is affected by the humidity levels in the surrounding air.Understanding how humidity affects cooling tower efficiency is vital forRead More