Tag: boiler


Analysis of the statement on mill outlet temperature:

Points in favor of higher mill outlet temperature (up to 100 – VM): Risks and precautions for high mill outlet temperature: Overall recommendation: Running the mill at a higher outlet temperature, up to the recommended limit (100 – VM), can offer several benefits in terms of combustion efficiency, mill performance, and clinker reduction. However, careful monitoringRead More

How Flue Gas Exit Temperature Impacts Coal Mill Performance

The efficiency of a coal-fired power plant hinges on optimal heat transfer throughout the system. One crucial factor in this equation is the flue gas exit temperature, which indirectly affects the performance of the coal mill. Let’s delve into the how and why: 1. Insulating Invaders: Scaling and Soot DepositsRead More

FSSS (Furnace Safeguard Supervisory System)

FSSS LOGIC SYSTEM BOILER START- UP SEQUENCE The boiler can be placed in service, initially or after a “Master Fuel Trip,” in the following sequence through FSSS. Furnace Purge:- Before any fuel firing can takes place, initially or following a boiler trip, a satisfactory “Purge Cycle” must be completed. Initially,Read More

Causing of fluctuations in working pressure of a boiler

What are the causes of fluctuations in working pressure of a boiler? (AP_BOE_2010_P_1) 1. **Fluctuation in load:** This is a common cause of boiler pressure fluctuations. When the demand for steam increases, the boiler pressure will drop as the boiler tries to generate more steam. Conversely, when the demand forRead More

Soot blowing procedure

Describe soot blowing procedure (AP_ BOE_2010_P_1) Soot blowing is a crucial process in maintaining the efficiency and lifespan of boilers. It involves using high-pressure steam or air to remove soot and ash deposits from the boiler’s heat transfer surfaces. These deposits can impede heat transfer, leading to reduced boiler efficiencyRead More