Tag: Turbine vibration



The soaking period in a steam turbine is the time it takes for all of the turbine’s internal parts to reach the same temperature before it is started up. This is important because steam turbines are very large and complex machines, and the different parts of the turbine expand atRead More

Eccentricity of steam turbine

Eccentricity refers to the deviation of the centerline of a rotating element, such as a steam turbine rotor, from its true axis of rotation. In a steam turbine, eccentricity can be caused by a variety of factors, including manufacturing tolerances, wear, and uneven thermal expansion. Some of the effects ofRead More

Importance of Turbine Stress Evaluators in Ensuring Safe and Efficient Turbine Operation

Turbines play a critical role in power generation, and they are subjected to significant mechanical and thermal stresses during operation. To ensure that turbines can withstand these stresses without failure, it is essential to have a tool that can evaluate their behavior under different operating conditions. This is where turbineRead More