Tag: BOE exam


Phosphate Dosing

Why phosphate dosing required in boiler ? (Central BOE-2021) Phosphate dosing is required in boilers for two main reasons: to prevent scaling and corrosion, and to maintain proper pH levels. **Scale prevention** Scale is a hard deposit that can form on the inside of boiler tubes and other components. ItRead More

Steam Trap

What is steam trap? (Central BOE-2021) A steam trap is a valve that automatically discharges condensate from steam systems while preventing the escape of live steam. This is important because condensate can interfere with the efficient operation of steam systems by reducing heat transfer and increasing corrosion. Steam traps areRead More

Why is the safety valve of a superheater set at a lower pressure than a safety valve of a boiler drum? (Central BOE-2021)

The safety valve of a superheater is set at a lower pressure than a safety valve of a boiler drum to protect the superheater tubes from overheating and damage. When the pressure in the boiler system rises too high, the safety valve on the superheater will open first, allowing someRead More