Category: Chemistry
Coal properties and their effect on combustion in utility boiler
Coal properties play a critical role in the combustion process in utility boilers when fired in pulverized condition. The following are some of the essential coal properties that can affect combustion:
Condensate Extraction Pump
A condenser extraction pump is a type of pump used in power plants to remove the condensed steam from the condenser and pump it back into the boiler. It is also known as a condensate extraction pump. In a power plant, the steam that is generated in the boiler isRead More
Volatile matter in coal
Volatile matter in coal refers to the components of coal that are released as gas or vapor when the coal is heated or burned. Volatile matter is an important factor in determining the properties of coal, as it affects the combustion behavior, heating value, and environmental impact of the coal.Read More
Sacrificing anode in condenser
A sacrificing anode is a device that can be installed in a condenser to protect it from corrosion. Corrosion is a common problem in condensers, as the cooling water can contain dissolved oxygen and other corrosive substances that can cause damage to the condenser tubes and other components. A sacrificingRead More
Silica in boiler water (boiler drum)
Silica is a common impurity that can be found in boiler feedwater, and if it is not properly removed or controlled, it can cause various issues in the boiler drum. When water is heated in a boiler, it evaporates and leaves behind any impurities, such as silica, which can thenRead More