

#1. The ratio of mass rate of water feeding to the steam-generating tubes to the mass flow rate of generated steam is defined as

  • Steam generation ratio: This is the ratio of the mass flow rate of steam generated to the mass flow rate of fuel burned.
  • Turndown ratio: This is the ratio of the minimum operating load to the maximum operating load.
  • Evaporation ratio: This is the ratio of the mass of water evaporated to the mass of fuel burned.

#2. In a working Boiler, maximum pressure exits in

in question asked in a working boiler, Feed lines of boiler is not a part of boiler, but in this line pressure is maximum so,

pressure reducing in accordance

feed lines of boiler>blow down lines of boiler>boiler drum> steam lines of boiler

#3. What should be the silica percentage in superheated steam for efficient operation of steam turbines?

#4. How many kg of CO2 are produced in complete combustion of 16 kg of Methane?

#5. Size of boiler tube is specified by

#6. The pH of feed water in which hydrazine dosing is practiced

#7. Which is not desirable property of fuel

#8. Calculate the boiler efficiency (in percentage) of certain boiler if Evaporation ratio is 5. Enthalpy difference between saturated steam and feed water is 1500 kcal/kg. Given the Gross Calorific Value of fuel is 10,000 kcal/kg of fuel.

#9. The enthalpy of steam at 170 degree Celsius with wetness fraction of 0.25 would

#10. Which of the following would have the maximum resistance of heat transfer to a steam pipe when indirect heating is carried out (the product and steam does not intermix)

#11. The power output is least for which

#12. For safe boiler with evaporation capacity of 90 tons/hr, two safety valves is to the fitted with atleast evaporation capacity

#13. The blow down for Safety valve is given by

#14. The principle of Mechanical Deaeration is based on which of the following scientific laws?

#15. Which of the following is the most suitable candidate to act as Emergency Shutdown valve?

#16. The safety valve of Superheater is set at a pressure the__________ safety valve of boiler drum of the same boiler.

#17. In which of the following units can a boiler's rating be described?

#18. Which of the following will be ideal for heat transfer in a heat exchanger

#19. Stream trap is fitted at

#20. Boiler drum and other cylindrical component having internal diameter greater than 600 mm shall be hydraulically tested at

#21. Water temperature at hydraulic testing of boiler shall be in the range of

#22. I D fan is always located between

#23. Safety valve having seat diameter not less than 32 mm should reset at

#24. FBCB means

#25. Evaporation of 2000 kg of water per hour from and at 100° C is

#26. While applying hydraulic test to boiler, test pressure to be maintained for

#27. Inspecting authority certificate of inspection during construction as per IBR (Regulation 4(c) (1)] issued in

#28. Which data is not required to calculate boiler efficiency by the indirect method

#29. The sulphur retention of Fluidised Bed Combustion boilers is dependent on

#30. At critical point i.e. p = 225.65 kg/cm2, the latent enthalpy of vaporization is

#31. Which of the following can be used as a tube material (without hampering performance and efficiency) of boiler superheater exposed to a maximum flue gas temperature of 1025 °C (Paper-2)

#32. Excessive blow down

#33. Any closed vessel which is used expressly for generating steam under pressure will be covered under Boiler Act 1923 if volumetric capacity of vessel

#34. Phosphate hideout is most evident in boiler tubes with

#35. RLA stands for

#36. For shell type boiler max permitted working pressure is reduced by 5 % when it attains age of

#37. If electric light is used inside a boiler shell or drum voltage shall not exceed

#38. Maximum outlet water temperature of the economiser of high pressure boiler shall be at least,

#39. Thermocouple is used for

#40. Manholes of oval type shall be arranged such that

#41. Minimum Boiler plate thickness specified in IBR 1950 is

#42. As per Indian Boiler Regulation 1950, following is not necessary on a boiler

#43. Following statement is not true for water level indicators

#44. Following statement is not true for Heat Rate

#45. Which of the following statement is not true?

#46. In a Super heater

#47. Which condition leads the boiler starvation

#48. Which type of coal is having highest percentage of fixed carbon?

#49. With reference to demineralization process which one is not true

#50. What does the turbidity in boiler feed water cause?

#51. Equivalent evaporation is the amount of water evaporated in a boiler from and at .....

#52. If a steam sample is nearly in dry condition, then its dryness fraction can be most accurately determined by

#53. A dense white smoke from a chimney indicates

#54. Higher calorific value of fuel assumes that

#55. The draught produced by steel chimney as compared to that produced by brick chimney for the same height is

#56. Following is the advantage of supercritical boilers

#57. As per the Boilers Act, 1923 (as amended in 2007) Following action is not a punishable

#58. Proficiency certificate of engineer can be cancelled permanently if holder,

#59. The function of injector is to

#60. Boiler stays are used to Provide foundation of boiler


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