Few important questions generally asked in BOE oral examination
- Name
- Qualification
- Your experience
- Yours’ working site name/ plant name/organization name/company name.
- Location of site (State/District/Area). Plant capacity (total installed capacity/upcoming units).
- Total number of units (with unit capacity; all same or different capicity).
- Type of unit (Reheat/Non Reheat/Subcritical/Supercritical).
- Type of plant (IPP/CPP/Cogeneration/Combined cycle/HRSG).
- BTG (Boiler, Turbine & Generator) package supplied by..
- Type of steam generator or boiler.
- Your working department.
- Your duty/responsibility.
- Your position in your organization.
- Coal handling plant capacity / Coal yard capacity.
- Mode of coal transportation.
- DM plant capacity.
- Water source (River/sea/canal/natural reservoir/Dam).
- Type of cooling system (ND/FT cooling system).
- Ash handling plant capacity.
- Type of ash handling (Dry/Wet).
- Boiler material.
- Boiler capacity.
- Working pressure.
- Maximum allowable pressure of boiler.
- Type of fuel used for boiler (coal/oil/Gt exhaust gas/rice husk/bagasse/biomass).
- Fuel CV.
- Height of chimney.
- Your plant water chemistry parameters.
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